NWAA webinar 15th April 2020
Right now, you are working hard to steer your business through the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic but what happens next? Thoughts are likely to be turning to the time beyond the immediate crisis. When will it end? How deep will it be? Will the World ever be the same again?
Although the answers to these questions will have a profound effect on your business, it is certain that nobody actually knows. So, what can you possibly do to plan for and take advantage of an uncertain future?
View the recording of Achieving the Difference’s webinar, in collaboration with NWAA to learn:
- What Scenario Planning is and what it is not
- How Scenario Planning can help your business be prepared for the unpredictable
- How Scenario Planning can uncover opportunities that are not obvious
- Three possible futures and their impact on aerospace and defence
Achieving the Difference has helped numerous aerospace clients gain market insight and achieve strategic decisions with confidence. Many of you will know Achieving the Difference for its work with ADS, in particular, the analysis for and co-authoring of ADS’s Global Aerospace Outlook since 2009.
This webinar will benefit business leaders, strategic thinkers and those in Business Development and Marketing.